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These are a set of notes toward a set of .NET conventions. They are not ready for prime time, but keep checking back.Version 0.90Copyright © 2002-2003 by Gregory Reddick
Index: IntroductionWhat follows are the Reddick .NET Conventions. The objectives of the conventions are to make code:
These conventions come from several sources. One source is the Reddick VBA Naming and Coding Conventions, that have been in use since 1992. Others come from the standards that Microsoft has put into place in the .NET Framework. Microsoft has implemented two tools that help with verifying that conventions have been met: FXCop and StyleCop. In a few places these conventions are slightly different than the rules that these tools implement, but in most places they concur. Xoc Software will also release a StyleCop library. Where possible, the FXCop or StyleCop rule that enforces the convention will be listed. The current version of these conventions can always be found on the Xoc Software web site: http://www.xoc.net. Internal ConventionsThese conventions have some conventions. Since they apply to both Visual Basic .NET and C#, there are times where the conventions will differ slightly. These will be clearly marked. Examples will be preceded by [Visual Basic] or [C#] where there is differing syntax. CasingThere are several different forms of casing that will be used throughout the conventions:
Documentation Rules [SA16xx]Layout Rules [SA15xx]Maintainability Rules [SA14xx]Naming Rules [SA13xx]Ordering Rules [SA12xx]Readability Rules [SA11xx]Spacing Rules [SA10xx]Design RulesGlobalization RulesInteroperability RulesMobility RulesNaming RulesPerformance RulesPortability RulesSecurity RulesUsage RulesName Spaces
Name Spaces should use Pascal Case. All namespaces for your
code should be prefixed by a unique identifier for your organization, followed by
a namespace for the application. For example, if your company is DotNetCo and your
application is called Btriever, then the namespace for the application should be
This matches the .NET Framework.
File NamesThere are different naming rules for web applications than Windows applications. WINDOWS APPLICATIONS: File names should use Pascal Case.
WEB APPLICATIONS: File names must be in Lower Case.
If you use Visual Studio to create the file, you will need create the file using
Pascal Case, then rename the file to Lower Case. This will make the capitalization
of the file and the class within the file to come out correct. Exception:
Web application files must be in lower case because many tools and search engines must deal with web sites created for other web servers than Internet Information Server (IIS). So if you create a web page named NamingConventions.Aspx, but two people type differing capitalizations into the address line of their web browser, then the server log file will record the two different capitalization. Log file analysis programs will typically show those as two separate files, rendering the statistics for those files meaningless.
Furthermore, one measure a search engine uses to weigh the value of the page is
by the number of hyperlinks to it. If two other sites link to yours, one using By always using lower case, a web page generally will be referenced using that case. This causes both the tools and search engines to properly keep track of the references to that file.
The In general, each class should be placed into a separate file, however there are times where having a separate file for a small class becomes unwieldy. The filename should be the same as the class name that is in the file. If there are more than one class in the file, the file name be the same as the most important class in the file. If there are several small classes in the file of equal importance, then the file name should reflect the the group of classes. Class NamesClass names should use Pascal Case. Since classes are representations of things, the names of classes should represent a noun. For example: Employee MayaDate AppSettingsReader
This matches the .NET Framework.
Interface Names
Interface names should use Pascal Case. Interface names must
begin with the letter I. Interface names should be a noun or adjective depending
on whether the interface describes an object, such as
This matches the .NET Framework.
Method NamesMethod names should use Pascal Case. Since methods are things that you do to an object, in otherwords, a verb, method names should usually start with a verb. For example: AddMonths() GetService() InitializeLifetimeService()
This matches the .NET Framework.
Delegate NamesDelegate names should use Pascal Case. Event Handler Names
Event Handler names should use Pascal Case. Event Handler
names should always end with the suffix ButtonClickEventHandler CheckChangeEventHandler CheckChangedEventHandler TickEventHandler ValidatingEventHandler ValidatedEventHandler
This matches the .NET Framework.
Event Argument Names
Event Arguments names should use Pascal Case. Event Argument
names should inherit from System.EventArgs and end in the string
This matches the .NET Framework.
Enum NamesEnum names should use Pascal Case.
This matches the .NET Framework.
VariablesVariables should use Hungarian Case. Fields and PropertiesFields and Properties names should use Hungarian Case. The base name of the Field or Property should be a noun. The value of the property describes the object, so should typically be an adjective. For example: Color (values=Red, Blue, Green) Size (value=400) Text (value=Some random text) Line WidthA physical line of code should be no more than 100 characters wide. A logical line longer than this should be broken into multiple physical lines.
This line width works well on a typical screen. It can be printed on a typical portrait
8 1/2" x 11" page by setting the left margin at .5" and the right margin to as small
as possible. It also works on A4 paper with no margins. Or it can be printed on
a landscape page at virtually any margins.
A suggestion to maintain this width is to place a comment at the top of each file of code. This comment should be a line of asterisks with a total of 100 characters in it, ending in a | symbol. For example: [C#] //**************************************************************************************************| [Visual basic] '***************************************************************************************************| Then size the width of the code window so that the | symbol is just visible. A line of code should be broken into multiple physical lines when the code goes past the window edge. In a few cases, long literal strings could be longer than 100 characters. The code should be reformulated to construct the string in code from shorter strings. For example: strName = "A big, long, huge, extremely extremely long, long, long, long very long hugely long, enormously long string" Should be broken up like this: [C#] strName = "A big, long, huge, extremely extremely long, long," + "long, long very long hugely long, enormously long string"; [Visual Basic] strName = "A big, long, huge, extremely extremely long, long," _ & "long, long very long hugely long, enormously long string" Always be careful to preserve spaces from the original string when breaking a string this way. In cases where breaking a string this way is impractical for performance reasons, an alternative such as loading the string from a resource should be considered. A long literal string in the argument to a function call should be placed into a constant, then the constant passed. Value Data TypesI am currently accepting suggestions for tags for data types. I will definitely supply tags for these data types:
We may or may not supply tags for these data types:
ParenthesisParentheses should have no extraneous white space around them. For example: [C#] ATestFunction(intParam1, intParam2); [Visual Basic] ATestFunction(intParam1, intParam2) not [C#] ATestFunction ( intParam1, intParam2 ); //WRONG [Visual Basic] ATestFunction ( intParam1, intParam2 ) 'WRONG C# Only: The exception is when using control structures that are followed by a value in parenthesese, such as if or while. In these cases, a space should preceed the first parenthesis. For example: if (intValue == 1) System.Console.WriteLine("Value == 1"); not if(intValue == 1) System.Console.WriteLine("Value == 1");
This produces the easiest to read code.
Commas should have no extraneous white space before them, and one space after them. For example: [C#] ATestFunction(intParam1, intParam2, intParam3); [Visual Basic] ATestFunction(intParam1, intParam2, intParam3) not [C#] ATestFunction(intParam1,intParam2 ,intParam3); //WRONG [Visual Basic] ATestFunction(intParam1,intParam2 ,intParam3); //WRONG
This produces the easiest to read code.
NamespacesEvery class should be in an explicitly named namespace. Namespaces should be constructed using the following format: <company/entity identifier>.<component identifier>[.<subcomponent identifiers>] The company/entity identifier should be a short word or abbreviation that identifies the company or other entity producing the software. Examples:
Component identifier is a short description of the component the namespace is describing. Examples:
You can then break down the Component into subcomponent namespaces to as many levels deep as necessary. Examples: Rdnc.Mayacal.Engine Rdnc.Mayacal.UserInterface Microsoft.VisualBasic Ups.Enroll
This matches the style of the hierarchy of the .NET Framework.
In an ASP.NET application, each subdirectory should have its own namespace. For a company named RDNC and a website named Mayacal, the table below shows the directory and the namespace that files in that directory should fall in.
This allows the class names of pages in different directories to avoid conflicting
with each other. In particular, the default.aspx page in each directory by default
is given the class name
_default . Two different directories with a
_default class won't conflict with each other because they will be in different
namespaces.GlobalsEvery project should included a file called Globals.vb or Globals.cs. This file should contain a class called Globals. This class should contain the Main procedure that starts the program for Windows applications. You will have to move the Main procedure from some other file if you used a Visual Studio template to create the project. The Globals class can also contain static helper variables and procedures used throughout the rest of the assembly.
There should be a global place for generic code inside the project. The entry point
for the project should reside here.
Custom ExceptionsIf the application throws an exception, it should never any exception from the .NET Framework. Instead it should create its own custom exceptions and throw those. All custom exceptions should inherit from ApplicationException and be placed into a file called Exceptions.vb or Exceptions.cs. For example: Public Class InvalidFileException Inherits System.ApplicationException Sub New(ByVal strMessage As String) MyBase.New(strMessage) End Sub End Classor public class InvalidFileException: System.ApplicationException { public InvalidFileException(string strMessage): base(strmessage) { } }
Application Exceptions should be individually marked.
Simple TypesIn VB.NET and C#, the simple types that are integrated in the language map to data types supplied by the .NET Framework. When declaring variables of these simple types, you should use the keyword supplied by the language rather than the .NET Framework type.
Examples: [C#] int intValue; long lngFoo; uint uintBar; System.DateTime dtmToday; [Visual Basic] Dim intValue As Integer Dim lngFoo As Long Dim uintBar As System.UInt32 Dim dtmToday As Date {Alternative Standard: None of the language integrated data types may be used. Instead only the .NET Framework data types should be used.}
Using the .NET Framework data types only also works. There is a slight bias toward
using the language integrated types since most code examples will appear that way.
The names of collections should be the plural of one of the items in the collection.
So if you have a class that represents a collection of
Properties that return a collection should be named the same as the collection that
they return. For example, a property that returns the Comment BlocksEvery non-private piece of code should have an XML comment that describes the feature. For more details see the documention of XML Comments. Private code, internal only to the class in which it is defined, is not strictly required to have XML Comments, but is recommended. Although the Visual Basic compiler doesn't parse XML Comments in the current version, you should still add the comments to the source code. The format to use for Visual Basic XML comments is: '/<summary> '/This is the summary '/</summary> OperatorsBinary operators, such as +, should have a space placed on either side of them. Unary operators should have no extra space between the operator and the thing that they operate on. For example: intFoo + intBar intFoo ^ intBar intFoo++ intFoo * -6 Imports and Using Statements
A It is never wrong to include the complete namespace before a class name. However, if the complete namespace is used one place in a file, then it should always be used in that file. Strive to be consistent within a particular file. If there is more than one Imports or using statement in a file, then they should be alphabetized. For example: [Visual Basic] Imports System Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Drawing Imports System.IO Imports System.Web Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Xml Imports Xoc.Header [C#] using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml; using Xoc.Header; Imports and using statements that, due to code maintenance, are no longer in use should be removed. After a major rewrite, it is recommended to comment out all the Imports or using statements and recompile. Any that are complained about by the compiler should be commented back in, until the program compiles. Any that are still commented out at that point should be removed. In Visual Basic, project level imports can be specified in the Project Properties dialog. These should not be used, and any default ones should be removed. It is easier to see if you have a namespace already defined if it is alphabetical order. Project level Imports statements in Visual Basic prevent the programmer from just looking at the top of the file to see what namespaces a given class comes from. He must look at both the top of the file and the global Imports to find the imported namespaces. It also increases the likelyhood that a class name will conflict with a class in another namespace. {Alternative Standard: Imports and using statements should not be used.} DeclarationsEach variable should be declared on its own line. For example: [Visual Basic] Dim intValue As Integer Dim intAnother As Integer Dim strResult As String [C#] int intValue; int intAnother; string strResult;not [Visual Basic] Dim intValue, intAnother As Integer, strResult As String 'Wrong [C#] integer intValue, intAnother; //Wrong
Using one declaration per line makes the definition of the variable clear. In
Dim intValue, intAnother As Integerit is unclear what the definition of intValue is. In Visual Basic 6.0 and before, intValue would be a variant data type. It makes finding the variable easier, since the variable declaration will always be near the start of a line. It makes maintenance easier, since a variable declaration can be removed by simply cutting a line. In the standard keyboard profile for Visual Studio, a line can be cut using Ctrl+L when the cursor is anywhere within the line, rather than having to select from within the line with the mouse. CommentsA comment is placed into the code to help clarify what the intention of the code is. Each comment may be placed onto a line by itself or at the end of an existing line of code. A comment at the end of a line of code should be use in only a few places:
All other comments should be placed on a separate line above the line they are documenting and indented to the same level. A comment of this sort is generally preceded by a blank line unless it is the first line of an indented block. For example: vt = vti.VarType 'Special hack for analyzing my code If LCase$(Left$(strParamName, Len(strcDecPrefix))) = strcDecPrefix Then strDataType = strDecimal End If If it is the first line of an indented block, it is not preceded by a blank line. For example: If mboolShowProperties Then 'Show properties for each member For Each mi In ci.Members Comments should state the intention of the code not how it performs the task. This is an example of a worthless comment: 'Place the VarType into the vt variable vt = vti.VarType It is worse than no comment at all. The comment is wrong if the code changes to use the variable name vtCur instead of vt without changing the comment. When reading a comment that doesn't match the code, the question becomes whether the comment is correct or the code is correct. Usually it is the comment that is wrong, but it may take some time to prove that. In general, do not write comments that have to be maintained, because in the real-world people frequently do not maintain comments. A comment that states the intention of the code, though, may be useful. For example: 'Store VarType for recovery in error condition. vt = vti.VarType However, use these comments only when the intention is not immediately clear when reading the code. Instead strive to make the code self explanatory, through good naming and coding conventions. MethodsMethods must always be followed by arguments in parentheses. If the method takes no arguments, it must be followed by ().
In Visual Basic .NET, it is optional to have a method that takes no arguments be
followed by parentheses. However, this makes it difficult to differentiate between
a method and a property when reading the code. In C#, the compiler enforces this
AssertionsIndentingDeprecated FeaturesRuntime Error HandlingAssemblyInfoAttributesAttributes should be placed on a line by themselves preceding the thing they modify. If there is more than one attribute, they should each be surrounded by their delimiters (<> in Visual Basic .NET, and [] in C#), rather than using a comma separated list of the attributes. Attributes should be listed in alphabetical order. Attributes that take no arguments should be followed by (). For example: [C#] [CLSCompliant(false)] [ComImport()] [Guid("000214F2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] public interface IEnumIDList ... [Visual Basic] <CLSCompliant(false)> _ <ComImport()> _ <Guid("000214F2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")> _ <InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _ public interface IEnumIDList ...
Being on a separate line and being individually marked makes it easier to read and
SummaryThe Reddick .NET Conventions make your code easier to read, easier to maintain, more reliable, and faster. |
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